31 July 2012

IT'S ME!!!! (again)

Aren't you just sick of seeing me? I hope your not saying to yourself, "All this blog seems to be about, this girl drawing herself." Well as of right now, it is. I promise you it won't be for much longer. I just want to update this blog on a regular basis. Ok, tomorrow, I will post something different, I promise!

30 July 2012

Another Version...

So, as I was looking over the piece I did for the opening page for my website, I realized I didn't like it. My hair isn't that fluffy, nor do I wear a fro like that and my lips aren't that big. I did another sketch and put some pics of myself next to it so you can compare. I am at my 2 work areas, my 9-6 and my 6-1. I seem to live my life in front of a computer more than the average person. I also realized that my blog is filled with pictures of myself. It seems like I am an extremely vain person, but for right now I seem to be drawing myself. I am not that vain, or am I...(we can get back to that) I see my face all the time, and I know what it looks like with out looking in a mirror. So here I am, again...Sorry folks, I need to draw someone or something else soon. This blog is getting a little boring. I will jazz it up soon. I need to finish all the graphic things for my sister's wedding. After that, it is on and popping with artwork. Oh the wedding is in November, and hopefully I should be done with everything by September, I hope.

Business Cards

I am getting things together for my side gig. So I made business cards, in between doing my sister's wedding invitations. I need to get them printed, so that may take some time. I need to pay for my website domain name and figure out how to link it to my carbonmade page. I still need to pay for that site to upload more than 35 images. Its a slow process, but I am coming along slowly. I am hoping by the end of the year to get everything set up. I will divulge that information soon.

22 July 2012

Getting Ready for the Website

I am in the process of making a website and this is the opening page for it. I am making this on carbonmade and should post the finish piece sometime this week. I like staying up late and making art, I feel a little more productive when the sun goes down. Its like being a vampire. The picture of myself is going to broken up into sections with titles for graphics, prints, sketches, illustrations, and invitations. This isn't complete yet but somewhat halfway through. I need to put more details, patterns, and text to make it POP. After I do that, I need to get work together and post it. Still a long way to go, but I am making some progress. Keep a look out and I will post the link to the site.